Vedic Astrology is an old Indian science that makes sense of planetary movements and positions concerning time and their impact on people and different substances on the planet. Vedic crystal gazing can be followed millennia back. Early Vedic soothsaying was just in light of the development of planets concerning stars, yet later on, it began including zodiac signs also. As per Vedic soothsaying, there are 27 constellations comprised of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets, and 12 houses with each house and planet addressing some part of human existence. Contingent upon when an individual is conceived, the 12 signs are dispersed among the 12 houses, and 9 planets are set in different houses. This visual portrayal of the preview of the signs and planets is known as a horoscope diagram. Vedic crystal gazing is only deciphering the significance of these plans as it applies to people and different elements.


Vedic astrology (Jyotisha) has three main branches:

  • Siddhanta (Astronomy): Astronomy & its application to astrology
  • Samhita (Mundane astrology): Covers Mundane astrology, predicting important events related to countries such as war, earth qearthquakesical events, Astro Astroeorology, financial positions, electional astrology; house & construction-related matters (Vaastu Shaastra), animals, portents & omens, etc.
  • Hora (Predictive astrology):
  • This branch has the following different styles/subheads:-
  • Jaatak Shaastra / Hora Shaastra (Natal Astral Astrology/horoscopydiction based on individual horoscope.
  • Muhurt or Muhurtha (Electional astrology): Selection of beneficial time to initiate an activity to get maximum fruition from the life activities.
  • Swar Shaastra (Phonetical astrology): Predictions based on name & sounds.
  • Prashna (Horary astrology): Predictions based on time with when a question is asked by a querent t / querist.
  • Ankjyotisha / Kabala (Numerology): A branch of astrology based on numbers.
  • Nadi Astrology: An ancient treatise having detailed predictions for individuals.
  • Tajik Shaastra / Varsha Phal (Annual Horoscopy): Astrology based on annual solar returns.
  • Tajik Shaastra / Varsha Phal (Annual Horoscopy): Astrology based on annual solar returns.
  • Jaimini Sutras: A non-conventional method of timing of events based on Famous Indian astrologer, Acharya Jaimini.
  • Nastjaatakam (Lost Horoscopy): Art of tracing / construction of lost horoscopes.
  • Streejaatak (female astrology): A special branch of astrology dealing with female nativities.


The most handily alluded to the contrast between the two lies in the strategy for estimation of the Zodiac. Vedic Astrology utilizes fundamentally the sidereal zodiac (in which stars are viewed as the decent foundation against which the movement of the planets is estimated), while most Western Astrology utilizes the tropical zodiac (the movement of the planets is estimated against the place of the Sun on the Spring equinox). This distinction turns out to be just observable over the long run, after the col hundreds of years, because of the precession of the equinoxes. Synchronically, the two frameworks are indistinguishable, with simply a shift of the beginning of the ecliptic longitude by around 22 degrees or days, bringing about the position of planets in the past sign in Western graphs around 80% of the time.


Old Hindu writing is brimming with folklore connected with zodiac signs, heavenly bodies otherwise called Nakshatras, and planets, which makes sense of a ton of visionary standards. In any case, the prominent sentiment is that folklore was only a technique that our old soothsayers used to make sense of a few exceptionally complex actual regulations, which were outside the ability to grasp commoners. Tragically, even the present current science has not had the option to completely figure out the actual regulations behind this antiquated technique in spite of the fact that it’s arriving extremely quickly. Our ongoing comprehension of the study of crystal gazing lies in measurements and likelihood. Measurements are the part of math, which can manage the connection between at least two apparently autonomous occasions without knowing the reason for that relationship. On the off chance that an outline of 1000 individuals has a similar celestial diagram, it tends to be seen that specific mysterious principles hold in 70%-80 of them. In factual terms, we might say that the event of a particular occasion in one’s life when a specific planetary mix exists is “measurably critical”. Suppose that you flip a coin multiple times then the likelihood of “heads” is generally close to half. Presently suppose that you notice the consequences of flipping a coin during dusk and dawn. Assuming that you find, following a drawn-out test, that the likelihood of “heads ” coming up during dawn isn’t half, true to form, however, is 70%, then, at that point, you can develop a standard that assuming that you flip a coin during dawn, the possibilities of you getting a “heads” will constantly be more. Vedic Astrology can be made sense of in much the same way. Certain blends in one’s diagram bring about a forecast, which ends up being right in 70-80% of the graphs having that mix. We may not make sense of it yet concerning why it happens yet the proof in areas of strength for real occasions can be anticipated with truly sensible factual importance.


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